
Title tag for search engine optimisation

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Web pages use title tags to define the title of the article or content. Its the most important seo element after the web pages' content. so, we must use a best title for our web pages for a best search engine optimization

Title tag puts between <head>and</head> tags. Lets' see a example title tag

<title>My example title</title>

There are three formats for a seo optimized title tags. you can use one of following for your web page's title tag

<title>Brand Name</title>
<title>Brand Name | Primary keyword and Secondary keyword</title>
<title>Primary keyword - Secondary keyword | Brand Name</title>

Where are title tags use for

Title tags use in search engines,Web browsers and Other enternel websites.

Title tag in search engine results

Search engines use title tags to show search results

Web browsers

Web browsers use title tag in tabs and title bars.

Title tags in other websites

Title tags use in social sites when share our web sites

Creating Best title tag for search engine optimisation 

Following tips are the best practices for a seo optimized title tag.

1. Title tags should be not longer than 70 characters
2. Do a keyword research and Include keywords in title tag
3. Title tag should relevant for your web site content.
4. Include your brand name in title tag.
5. Try to give a positive message
6. If your title tag is a attractive one its may perform in search engines better than top results.

Use these tips and create a best title tag for your web site. It will help boost your website in search engines and social networks.

How to do a seo keyword research

Thursday, October 3, 2013

People browse internet for there proposes. They  use search engines for complete there  proposes with keywords. so keywords are the main valuable things in the internet. it can make a change on your website. before start a web site or a blog post we must do a keyword research for achieve the success. We explore the history of the internet from a keyword research.

seo keyword research tool

seo keyword research tools store the history of the internet. so we can find keywords that people searched in the internet through these keyword tools. there are many keyword tools. but the effective and popular keyword research tools are,

1. Keyword planner
2. Google trends
3. Bing ads intelligence 

You can use these keyword research tools with free of charge. today The keyword planner became as the populest keyword research tool of the internet.

Start your SEO campaigns with seo basics.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


All internet users start their internet browsing using a search engine. such as google, yahoo,bing.... so Internet users decide websites to visit according to the search results. If you have a web site, your web site's links must be in leader search results according to the users' search terms. so your web site should optimize for it by a order. That order called as seo. That means search engine optimization. by this post lets see about seo basics.

How to search engine works.

Search engines do two major functions they are,

1.crawling & building an index
2.providing answers by calculating relevancy & serving results

search engines have automated  robots called as crawlers. This crawlers can reach the many billions of interconnected web applications and index data about that web applications. Search engine works as answer machines. Ones asks a question from a search engine, it gives ton of answers from data that crawlers indexed. that answers process according to the relevance and importance.


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Backlinks (1) Keywords (1) Meta tags (1) SEO (3)